The Mystery in Bible

Posted by Justlimz | 9:19 PM | 1 comments »

Secret code is encripted in bible. many experts believe this statement. The five old testament in Bible is where God encrypted his plan about the prominent figure that will happen in this world. Sir Isaac Newton is one of the believer based on the files left by him when he retire from his position as the head of institute at 1696. Newton believe that the prophecy of human history is hidden in Bible. he tried to find out but he didn't succeed.

Around 1940, a rabbi named H.H.D Weissmande from Ceko founded that if we read the first book of the old testament by jumping 50 letters we can read the word "Torah". in the next four books we can still found out the same word by doing the same procedure.

After his election, president George Walker Bush was sent a book by Drosin, a researcher in this field. the book contains about his forecast based on the Bible.

in his book, Drosnin wrote," after the world wars there will be earthquake. the most possible
place is in China(2000-2006), California (2010), and japan (2000-2006). and before that, an earthquake in Israel, 1995, came true in encripted ways.


  1. sead Closer // August 29, 2010 at 12:01 AM

    wahh,, bagus bagus postingannya nih,,,

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